A fairly brief Week In Review today as we are mostly packing our car (read that as cramming every available corner!) in preparation for renewed wanderings tomorrow. Yay! The potential panic from last week's post has been averted. We managed to get the trailer tent tyres replaced thanks to the folks at MandM Tyres in Marsh Barton. Their while-you-wait service did involve a bit of a wait as we arrived at a busy time. We were directed to a nearby cafe which, unfortunately wasn't due to reopen until tomorrow. However the woman there preparing for their Big Reopen was happy to make us each a cup of good coffee On The House and even brought us out biscuits. How amazing was that? If you find yourself at a loose end in Marsh Barton, be sure to support the Snack Station on Clapperbrook Lane. Admittedly, you probably won't get a free drink, but they are Very Nice People!
Also VNPs are our friends Josie and Jim Tipler who, together, are folk duo Milton Hide. Their brand new EP, Little Fish, was launched in Sussex yesterday and I was lucky enough to be offered a review copy. Great harmonies and I love Josie's lyrics! Take a listen to this YouTube of Home Is Where Your Heart is and visit the Milton Hide Facebook page to find your nearest gig.
In book news, if you love exciting new crime fiction, use This Link Here to get 20% off at Fahrenheit Press. I've got one of their books, Dead Is Better by Jo Perry, to read soon and am looking forward to discovering more!
And congrats to Shirley who won the Literary Flits Nervous Conditions book giveaway last week! I'm not personally running any other giveaways right now, but am hosting several as part of book tours. There's free books and Amazon gift cards up for grabs ...
This week on Stephanie Jane you can look forward to A Month In Books, my April reads roundup, which will be blogged tomorrow morning, and WorldReads on the 5th will feature Five Books from Zimbabwe - my third literary visit to Africa.
Around the blogosphere:
My friend Chris has started a new blog about his French off-grid lifestyle. Welcome to The Ramshack
Joyous Reads has a fascinating interview with Genevieve Graham about the inevitability of writing about Nazis.
Caree Risover has been helping out with a plumbing job
Here's what you might have missed Across My Blogs this week. Click the images to visit the pages ... and don't forget to enter all the Giveaways!
Artisan Rainbow |
Literary Flits |
Stephanie Jane |
M O N D A Y |
T U E S D A Y |
W E D N E S D A Y |
T H U R S D A Y |
F R I D A Y |
S A T U R D A Y |
S U N D A Y |