Our lovely Sony telly has died - after only five years - and we couldn't watch Jools. Fortunately that's all we wanted to see and the bands will be on again on Friday so we weren't too distraught! We put the iPod on instead and listened to my still-new +Kris Delmhorst album, Blood Test (official launch next week, make sure you get your own copy, great album!). Having not missed TV for five months over the winter, I was surprised how easily we got back into the habit as soon as we were home again. Also, thinking about long-term caravanning, Dave wants a proper TV rather than a laptop for watching DVDs and he's right that the picture quality on a laptop is rubbish unless you're sitting at exactly the right angle. So we started looking at small TVs on the +Currys PC World website.
The major limiting factor is the width of the 'window' at the end of the bed in Bailey. If the TV is too wide, we'll lose the edges of the picture. We had planned to visit Bailey last weekend and measuring the aperture was one of the tasks on our list. However events overtook and we didn't get there, so I tried asking on the +CaravanTalk forums instead. A fellow caravanner answered to say they didn't know, but have a 19 inch Sony comfortably in their Orion. Dave would prefer a 22 inch.
I couldn't find any information online so rang the Bailey Caravans parts line this morning. The guy who answered was very helpful and for anyone else who wants to know, the window is 493mm wide by 485mm high. Back to the internet and of the two possibles, we decided on the Logik L22FED13 TV with DVD Player
One quick trip to Currys later and we have our new TV. We've set it up at home for now and it seems so cute and tiny compared to the Sony. As everyone else is going up in size, we are going down! The Logik has good picture quality though and having a built-in DVD player means fewer black boxes too! I guess we'll be eBaying/Freegling the DVD player soon.
And on that note, I'm still eBaying with a vengeance. This house will be empty soon! There's a widget at the end of the page with my current auctions. Do you need a huge beanbag chair? A wok for an induction hob? The mini candle chiminea pictured above?
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