
Sunday 4 November 2018

Autumn colours in Chef Boutonne

I'm linking up with The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.

I'm feeling pleased with myself right now because I submitted this year's tax return about an hour ago! It doesn't actually have to be completed until the end of January, but I don't know how good our wifi will be once we're moving around this winter so I thought getting it done before we go would be best. A note for other UK self assessment-ers, HMRC is migrating to a new system (all groan together) which requires new identity verifications. I could do mine ok online, but it took me twice as long to actually prove I was me than it did to fill out the tax form itself!

On that moving around theme, we're packing up our Hymer motorhome this weekend ready to depart to warmer climes on Tuesday morning. Of course not having travelled properly in it yet nothing has its set place so I am gaily stowing things in cupboards that seem logical right now, but I know as soon as we get on the road I'll be wanting to change everything around to more convenient locations - which will confuse Dave no end!

We had a lovely walk a couple of days ago, just locally. The trees here are looking beautifully autumnal with glorious colours. Sorry the orange maple tree isn't in sharper focus. The lizard was by a roadside and, sadly, already dead although it didn't look at all squashed. It's the biggest lizard either of us had seen which was pretty fab. The name is underwhelming though. On googling we discovered it is (or was) a French Green Lizard.

In bookish news and linking up with What Are You Reading at The Book Date I finished a great New Zealand novel yesterday: Fishing For Maui by Isa Pearl Ritchie. It's about a family trying to cope with individual issues and overcoming the social stigmas of their Maori ancestry. Complex but very readable. Full review to be published on Literary Flits on the 8th as part of a Rachel's Random Resources blog tour.

And on this blog tomorrow I'll be posting WorldReads from Jamaica so do pop back for that!

Giveaways closing soon
8/11: Cheeky Panda bundle from Ethical Superstore
8/11: $25 Amazon gift cards
(See all giveaways in my Giveaway Linkup)

On my blogs this week were:

Stephanie Jane
A Month in Books - October 2018
State Of The ARC - October 2018

Literary Flits
Painting Blue Water by Leigh Fossan spotlight
Macbeth by Jo Nesbo review
Witching Hour: Sinister Legends Anthology spotlight + Giveaway
Crimson by Niviaq Korneliussen review
Death Comes In Through The Kitchen by Teresa Dovalpage review
The Forgotten Pioneer by Anthea Ramsey review
Niedermayer And Hart by M J Johnson review

Artisan Rainbow
Rudolph Enamel Trinket Dish by Maisy Plum
Autumn Leaves Crochet Shawl by Parkview Creative
Dachshund Brooch by Ellies Treasures UK
Pottery Mug by Mudness Ceramics
Bird Cake Kit by A Short Walk
Witch Kitty Plush Toy by The Purple Saurus
Paint Rainbows Art Print by Dream Capture Artwork

Dave's neatly sawn and stacked log pile 

row of bee hives (not ours!) 


  1. Oh that's inspiring; am determined not to leave my return until the fourth week of January this time and have set a personal target date of 30th November. One day I'll aim high and have it done by the end of June.

  2. Time to hit the road again soon huh? Hope you have relaxing and safe travel!

    Love the pics!!

    1. Thanks Greg! France is certainly beautiful right now

  3. Wow...I don't even want to think about taxes yet. It sounds like you are going to have a great time with your motorhome. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks Carol! Highs and lows so far - but we have mulled wine so feeling hazily happy this evening!

  4. Now that I'm in Spain they start the financial year runs from January to December and the paperwork is completely different (and complicated). Have a great trip!

    1. I think the UK one is pretty simple by comparison, for what I need anyway. It's just a question of getting all the numbers together at the same time (herding cats!!)

  5. I usually can't do mine until I get information on investments Feb 15th. I often do everything else and an estimate of those in December though. Since many of them payout in December or even the last few days, I would just have to amend it if I did it now, so it's not worth it.

    What lovely photos and how fun to travel in the motorhome. Enjoy your reads! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I got all mine by June this year so having another seven months isn't great because if I leave it until the last minute, I can guarantee there'll be a problem with the HMRC website ;-)
