
Sunday 1 July 2018

My Week in Review to the 1st July

Stop Press!! Harry Whitewolf is offering All his books for free on Amazon from the 27th June to the 1st July 2018. That means the last day is today so do all rush at once! Click the pics to read my reviews of these three:

I am linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly at The Caffeinated Reviewer.
And in bookish news, I am linking up again with Book Photo Sundays over at Ronyell's Rabbit Ears Book Blog.

This photo of me reading in my cosy Bailey caravan was taken on a chilly November evening in Portugal back in 2013. We're wondering whether we might return to Portugal this winter instead of staying in Spain. This pic was first on A Month In Books - November 2013.

In reality when today's post publishes itself I shall be boarding a ferry back to the UK so my actual sharing around of links will happen much later in the day. Unless there's a problem with the boarding or, indeed, with the ferry of course in which case who knows?! I do have to get up unwelcomely early for me so fingers crossed that waking up actually happens!

Last weekend we treated ourselves to a day trip to La Rochelle, meeting up there with one of Dave's daughters who had flown out for the town's Documentary Festival. I remember cartoon scenes in my school French textbook being set in La Rochelle and - I don't know why - had always imagined it as some drab industrial port town. Like Newhaven I guess! It's not! We saw historic buildings and walked a little of the old walls, enjoyed artisan ice cream, wondered why the green lighthouse was in the midst of a row of houses quite some distance from the water, and admired a working carousel that dated back to 1900. I loved that the black lines on apparently half-timbered buildings are, on closer inspection, made of slate tiles! The pizzas in Via Roma are great too. I'd happily go back to La Rochelle for a longer visit, perhaps on a slightly cooler day.

On my blogs this week:
My Week in Review to the 24th June
Artisan Rainbow - Aprons
State Of The ARC - June 2018
50/50 Friday - Favourite/Least Favourite Genre
A Month In Books - June 2018

Swallowtail by Sheri Meshal
The Fear Of Being Eaten by Ronald J Wichers + #Giveaway
Manipulated Lives by H A Leuschel
The Occasional Virgin by Hanan Al-Shaykh
The Pumpkin Patch by Sandi Smith + #Giveaway
Galaxies And Oceans by N. R. Walker + #Giveaway + Excerpt
The Shape Of The Ruins by Juan Gabriel Vasquez

Around the blogosphere:
Avalinah's Books has a great review of The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal
Chuckles features Night In The Lonesome October on her Books From The Backlog
Greg's Book Haven resurrects Comic Of The Week looking Excalibur Visionaries Volume 1

Have a great week!


  1. I feel you on waking up early. If I have to get up before 5am, someone else better be there to ensure I actually get up!

    1. Absolutely! And there's a huge difference between waking up and actually getting out of bed!

  2. I hate waking up early. Hope you have a good time in the UK.
