
Sunday 24 June 2018

My Week in Review to the 24th June

I am linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly at The Caffeinated Reviewer.

First up this week is a preview of weeks to come because it's very nearly Plastic Free July again! Woo hoo! You might remember I took part in this challenge last year and it led to lasting changes in my lifestyle and particularly my shopping habits. This year the whole plastics issue is bang on trend so I am hoping to feel less of a weirdo when refusing single-use plastics in shops, cafes, etc! Click the badge or This Link Here to find out more about Plastic Free July and how you can join in if you would like to. I'm planning to post in the next couple of days about what has changed for me in the past year, but in the meantime you can read my previous Plastic Free July posts here.

On a completely different note, we went to a very different (for us) type of music event last night. The 21st of June sees the fantastic Fete De La Musique events all across France with practically every town and village hosting some kind of free music. In Chef Boutonne, our Fete De La Musique was yesterday and took place as part of the annual Javarzay Faire. A truck stage was put up alongside a fairground and we were treated to two free bands - Gerald and Manu Fisher. We didn't get to hear much of the second group as it was already (for us) quite late and technical problems delayed their start, but we did enjoy sitting out on the grass listening to a good hour of Gerald - a group of three accomplished young musicians. Surprisingly, their music is 1970s inspired experimental instrumental rock which isn't at all the sort of sound that I think would even be given a chance at a town event back in the UK. I've embedded a sample from their new album - see what you think!

Today we're going to visit La Rochelle so I hope to have some good pics from there for you next Sunday.

In bookish news, I am linking up for the first time with Book Photo Sundays over at Ronyell's Rabbit Ears Book Blog. I don't know how I missed spotting this feature before! I've dusted off an older pic of my caravan bookshelf which, other than my Kindle obviously, is all the books I have available for about five months each year. That's not strictly true of course because I make use of pretty much every book exchange I find - most campsites have a book swap and some even have books worth swapping for ;-) This pic was first on my Month In Books post from January 2014.

On my blogs this week:
My Week in Review to the 17th June
Artisan Rainbow - 7 gorgeous handmade Lampshades
Books From The Backlog - The Odyssey by Homer
50/50 Friday - Favourite/Least Favourite Book Title

A Taker of Morrows by Stephen Paul Sayers (Spotlight + Giveaway)
The Devil's Elixirs by E T A Hoffmann (book review)
Dead Is Better by Jo Perry (book review)
Sour Apple by Jerzy SzyƂak and Joanna Karpowicz (graphic novel review)
The Enigma Dragon by Charles V Breakfield and Roxanne Burkey (Spotlight + Giveaway)
The Last Dance by Lonna Enox (Spotlight + Giveaway)
Ibn Fadlan And The Land Of Darkness (book review)

Around the blogosphere:
Great review of graphic novel Sour Apple at Women Write About Comics
The Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell asks how we feel about cliffhanger endings
Metaphors And Moonlight has a gorgeous monochrome+yellow Cover Characteristics post

Have a great week!

Artisan Rainbow - Lampshades 


  1. I'm not familiar with Plastic Free July but I'll definitely be checking it out- it sounds like a worthy effort for sure! I love the idea of the free music events also- that definitely sounds different but very 70's progressive rock! I'm not sure that would fly around here either ha ha! But it's nice to sit on the grass and enjoy music- glad you guys had a good time.

  2. Lots of new-to-me ideas here...Plastic Free book trading...and Book Photo Sunday! Thanks for sharing all of these.

  3. I've been thinking so much about plastic these days - it is probably because of an article in National Geographic on plastic. But Plastic Free July sounds like awesome, although I imagine it must be super hard. I am willing to try it and now I will read all of your blog posts on this topic! BRB!

    Have a great week!

    1. I learned to concentrate on one or two aspects at a time, get those new habits embedded and then add another. Everything at once is just overwhelming!

  4. I was in France last year for the music festival and it was amazing!!! I was in St. Malo at the time and we had the best time! What a fun event!

    1. This was our first year and I loved the sense of community as well as the music. Definitely want to be on France for the FdlM next year :-)

  5. Listening to different music is always fun. Interesting to try new things.

  6. Plastic Free is a great idea but frightening. We use a lot I am afraid. We recycle everything but I hear that some of the recycled things are just going in to trash in some places. I've also been seeing this Books from the Backlog more often and will have to look into it. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I've surprised myself with some of my Books From The Backlog that I'd forgotten I had. Definitely no excuse for buying new books any time soon :-(

  7. I love the idea of Plastic Free July. It would be really hard to do 100% though. I try to limit my use of plastic as much as possible and I hate those shopping bags. We drink a ton of milk at our house and it would be really hard to find it in anything but plastic containers. The music festival sounds like a great time!

    1. I found that meat or fish, and dairy products were almost impossible to buy without plastic in the UK

  8. YES! Plastic Free July is a brilliant idea. Thanks for the link. I’m going to check it out. The music event sounds fun. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. I have been using a Contigo for years. Better than wasting all that plastic or even cardboard or styrofoam. Have a great week of reading.

    Mary my #Sunday Roundup #24!

    1. Yes! My stainless steel water flask has been my best purchase in years!

  10. Plastic free July sounds like a fantastic idea!
