
Tuesday 25 April 2023

Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules by Anne E Beall

Book Details:
Book Title:  Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules: Gender and Rule Violation in Fairy Tales and Life by Anne E. Beall
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  148 pages
Genre: Feminist, Fairy Tales, Literary Criticism
Publisher:  Independent Publishing
Release date:  Oct 2022
Content Rating:  PG + M. Some mature themes, some characters are executed for their transgressions, some violence
Book Description:

Explore the fascinating link between gender stereotypes in fairy tales and real-world life with Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules: Gender and Rule Violation in Fairy Tales and Life. This thought-provoking book carefully analyzes 200 folktales and fairy tales from around the world, uncovering a universal disparity in how male and female characters are punished for breaking the rules. Through a blend of thorough research and literary investigation, the book sheds light on how these stereotypes affect our families, politics, and education. A powerful feminist critique of social norms, this academic yet accessible exploration shows how our most cherished tales shape our cultures. 

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Only Prince Charming Gets To Break The Rules is the second of Anne E Beall's fairytale survey books I have now read and, like Cinderella Didn't Live Happily Ever After which explores The Hidden Messages in Fairy Tales, I learned a lot about how fairy tales both reflect our ideas about acceptable behaviour within society and also, to a certain extent, steer that behaviour through the messages we internalise while reading them. In Only Prince Charming Gets To Break The Rules Anne Beall analyses dozens of fairy tales from all around the world, giving us insights into some different moral messaging globally and much which is remarkably similar the world over.

In a lot of instances, Beall's discoveries about fairytale rules and rulebreakers weren't a surprise. Men, especially high-status men, can get away with pretty much anything. Low-status men and most women do not. However I appreciated Beall's translation of her discoveries into real world situations - prison populations by gender for example - and her in-depth research concerning the types of fairytale crimes that various characters are caught committing. Only Prince Charming Gets To Break The Rules was a fascinating read with a lot of information imparted in an insightful and entertaining book.

Meet the Author:

Anne E. Beall is an award-winning author whose books have been featured in People Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Toronto Sun, Hers Magazine, Ms. Career Girl, and she’s been interviewed by NBC, NPR, and WGN. Her book, Cinderella Didn’t Live Happily Ever After: The Hidden Messages in Fairy Tales won a Gold award from Literary Titan. And her Heartfelt Connections book was named one of the top 100 Notable Indie books in 2016 by Shelf Unbound. She received her PhD in social psychology from Yale University and is the founder of the strategic market-research firm, Beall Research.

connect with the author:  website ~ facebook ~ goodreads

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Win a copy of Cinderella Didn’t Live Happily Ever After and Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules (one winner) (USA only) (ends May 22)


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