
Tuesday 18 April 2023

Aqua Paws by Patricia Allieri + Guest Post

Book Details:

Book Title:  Aqua Paws by Patricia Allieri
Category:  Children's Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 39 pages
Genre:  Children's Book
Publisher:  Aqua Kids Books
Release date:  Apr 4, 2023
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.
Book Description:

Splish! Splash! MEOW! Most cats hate water, but not Aqua Paws. He loves it! There’s just one problem: he’s terrified of crabs!

​Then Aqua Paws finds himself in a sticky situation, and the only one around to help is a crab. Can Aqua Paws push his feelings aside before it’s too late? Full of whimsical sea creatures beautifully illustrated by Stella Maris, Aqua Paws also warns of the dangers of ocean pollution. A story that your child will fall in love with, that helps teach a valuable lesson at the same time.
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Guest Post by Patricia Allieri: What Inspired Me to Write My Story
   It was a beautiful day in December; the perfect day for a wedding. As I stood waiting for the bride and groom to take the dance floor for their first dance, the caterer approached me. “If this cat doesn’t go away,” she said, I’m going to take it to the pound." I had not noticed the cat was wandering around the wedding reception. I just lost my cat, Tiger, the previous week, so my heart immediately went out to the cat. “Does the cat belong to someone here?” I asked her. “No,” she replied. “Would it be OK if I take him home?” I asked her. She answered with an enthusiastic, “Sure thing!” So, that is exactly what I did!
After the wedding, I packed the cat into my car and we drove home. He was the sweetest cat. I made multiple calls to vets, shelters, checked for a chip, and posted ads and flyers. But after a number of weeks, no one had claimed him.
Christmas was approaching, and I was hoping that I would be able to find the cat’s owner before the holiday arrived. But a couple of days before Christmas I gave up, and I announced to my husband and daughter that he was now our new cat! My daughter named him Jack Frost, but I just called him Jack.
I took him to the vet and he got his shots. It turns out he was about three years old. And he was an adventurous kitty. He had no trouble jumping over the six-foot fence in our backyard and exploring the neighborhood. Jack had several encounters with a local fox, but he was always strong enough to fight him off.
When Covid-19 hit, the public school I worked at was closed. I have always wanted to write a children’s book and now was my perfect opportunity to start! I decided I was going start writing a picture book with Jack as my main character. I wrote, wrote, and wrote. I finally finished my manuscript and now it was time to find an editor. I found a wonderful editor and we got to work on making the book perfect. But while working on the book, I had a I setback. Jack was hit by a car and badly injured in January 2022. I took him to the vet and she said his hip was broken. We did our best to look after Jack, but unfortunately, he did not make it and crossed over the rainbow bridge in March 2022. He was the star of my story. I was devastated.
I am so happy my book is finished. It is a special memory of Jack. I sent my illustrator a cute photo of Jack. She made his character come to life. Aqua Paws is dear to my heart and so is Jack. Forever.

Meet the Author:

Patricia writes stories about the ocean, cats, and friendship. With beautiful illustrations and heartfelt characters, she aims to entertain and inspire readers to feel brave, adventurous, and appreciate the environment. Patricia’s memorable characters include Aqua Paws and Purple Beak with many more on the horizon. Her fiction picture book, AQUA PAWS, has subtle hints of pollution in our oceans and children can help by collecting the harmful trash. Patricia lives in Texas with her husband. She treasures time with her two grown daughters and her grand babies Tate (Tater-Tot) and Pierce. Her love of animals, the beach and the environment is undeniable.

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