
Monday 6 August 2018

My week in Review to the 5th August

I am linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly at The Caffeinated Reviewer.

I'm also linking up for the first time with What Are You Reading at The Book Date:
I've just finished The Wrath And The Dawn which I'll be reviewing on the 12th, and I'm about to start something completely different for me, The Path To Change by Pope Francis.

Four giveaway wins to tell you about this week! Firstly, congratulations to author Ellie Douglas whose zombie book The Dead Wake Anthology won July's Spotlight Post Giveaway! I'll be featuring it on Literary Flits soon.
If you are (or know of) an author who could use a bit of free promo, make sure you add your book(s)' links to This Linkup. I randomly pick one to post about each month and the next draw will be on the 1st September. (If you don't want to wait, you can of course buy Spotlight posts for £5 each!)

Stacey T won my Blood In The Woods by J P Willie giveaway. If you're reading this Stacey, check your emails!

The other giveaways were won by Me! The lovely people at No Exit Press ran an audiobook giveaway on Their Facebook Page and I am now eagerly anticipating listening to The Language Of Secrets, a Canadian crime thriller by Ausma Zehanat Khan. Then C H Clepitt offered five promo codes for her brand new audio short story, A Blessing In Disguise, and I was lucky enough to be on Her Facebook Page at just the right time! Thank you No Exit Press and C H Clepitt!

I read the last book of this year's Decade Challenge this week. It's my fourth year of doing this challenge and I've managed to not yet need repeats! The idea is to read a book that was first published in each of the decades from 1900 to the current year - twelve books in all. This year's challenge started on the 1st of September 2017 and finishes at the end of August 2018 so I still had a month to go! I like that this one starts mid-year because it takes a bit of reading pressure off December. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be restarting a new year's Decade Challenge on the 1st of September. More info nearer the time, but first here's my 2017-18 Decade Challenge reads, all linked to their Literary Flits reviews:

1903 - The Souls Of Black Folk by W E B du Bois
1910 - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
1923 - The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
1930s - Collected Stories by Bruno Schulz
1943 - Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
1956 - The World Jones Made by Philip K Dick
1969 - Heroes And Villains by Angela Carter
1978-9 - Territory Of Light by Yuko Tsushima
1988 - A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid
1998 - Havana Black by Leonardo Padura
2007 - The Running Man by Gilbert Tuhabonye
2017 - Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie

Giveaways closing soon:
None closing this week

Posts on my blogs this week were:
State Of The ARC - July 2018
My Week in Review to the 29th July
A Month In Books - July 2018
Artisan Rainbow - Sleep Masks
August Authorfest - reading new-to-me authors

The Daughter of River Valley by Victoria Cornwall
Boy On The Beach by R D Maddux + #Giveaway
Hunter's Chase by Val Penny
Entangled Lives by Imran Omer + review
Letter To Country by Rethabile Masilo + #Giveaway
A World Without Color by Bernard Jan + review
The Promise by Michelle Vernal + review

Around the blogosphere:

Evelina at Avalinah's Books has written a thoughtful and in-depth review of Erotic Stories For Punjabi Widows by Balli Jaur Kaswal

Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction has her regular Wrap Up Roundup Link Up

Chuckles at Chuckles Book Cave has an August Authorfest challenge to read new-to-her authors

Have a great week :-)

Artisan Rainbow - Sleep Masks 


  1. Four giveaway wins! Wow congrats! That's exciting.

    Good luck with the Decade Challenge too! That looks like a neat idea.

  2. The decade challenge does look like a fun idea. I may have to give it a try next year. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. Congrats on the wins. I love the look of The Language of Secrets. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  4. Congrats on the great giveaway wins.

  5. Nice to have you on It's Monday. Love, love that book cover. And nice audiobook win, hope it suitably scares you!

  6. The Path To Change by Pope Francis sounds like one I would find interesting. Congrats on all you wins. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I just finished The Path To Change this morning. A heavy read, but certainly worthwhile

  7. Congrats on the giveaway wins! That decade challenge sounds fun (and challenging). I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. The decade challenge sounds like a lot of fun. I'll have to check it out.

  9. Congrats on the giveaway wins! This is your lucky week! Enjoy!

  10. I think if I was doing a decade challenge I'd be doing books that've been sitting forgotten on my shelves for ten years, nine years, eight years etc! Ooh now, that's an idea for clearing the backlog...I might need to do that as a challenge!

    1. That does sound like a useful challenge!
      The advantage of my semi-itinerant lifestyle is not actually having much in the way of shelves for books to accumulate on. I have to read and swap out pretty quickly - whatever my OH might think to the contrary!
