
Wednesday 9 November 2016

Winter Warmer Slow Cooker Goat Curry Recipe

Curried goat with brown basmati rice 
It's turned distinctly chilly in Torbay over the past couple of days so our thoughts are turning to warming winter comfort foods. This makes it the perfect time for me to blog my latest cookery adventure - a goat curry recipe. I have thoroughly enjoyed Jamaican style Curry Goat before, most memorably as a street food meal in Bristol several years ago, but hadn't had the opportunity to cook the meat myself until now. We spotted diced goat advertised on Abbey Meadow's stall at Teignmouth Farmers' Market two weeks ago and snapped up a half kilo pack. It cost £10.20 which we thought was ok for a generous two meals worth of small farm, naturally raised meat. As it turned out, the meat is of such good quality there is practically no waste and we could have easily got three meals from the 500g pack. This makes it incredibly good value and I would definitely buy from Abbey Meadow again when we return to the UK next spring.

My goat curry recipe isn't anything like Curry Goat, but made a beautifully flavourful meal with its chilli heat present, but muted by coconut cream. There's only five main ingredients with most of the curry flavour coming from our new India In A Jar Minced Chicken paste discovery, also purchased at Teignmouth Farmers' Market. The following recipe makes 4-6 portions and we have frozen half.

500g Abbey Meadow diced goat meat
1 onion, diced
1 garlic clove, finely chopped (optional)
4 scant tbsp India In A Jar Minced Chicken paste
4 ripe plum tomatoes, chopped
200ml coconut cream (optional)

Heat a little oil in a pan and brown the goat meat, then set aside. Our Morphy Richards slow cooker has a metal pan which can be used on the hob so I did all my pre-frying in this to conserve all the juices.

Lower the heat under the same pan and fry the onion and garlic until softened and translucent. There is already garlic in the India In A Jar paste so I probably didn't need to add more, but we like garlic!

Stir in the paste and heat until it begins to release its scents, then stir in the tomatoes and meat. Add the coconut cream and stir to combine. If you like a spicier, drier curry you can omit the coconut cream.

Transfer the curry to your slow cooker (or just put the pan in the slow cooker casing!) and cook on medium-low for 5-6 hours. Our goat was nicely cooked after about 4 hours because the pieces weren't too big, but I left it cooking on low for longer to keep the flavours maturing.

Serve with steamed brown basmati rice. White rice is fine too, of course, but we are liking the nutty flavour and firmer texture of brown at the moment.


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