
Monday 14 November 2016

Three Greeting Cards shipped and new crochet motifs for sale

A Christmas Carol greeting card - SOLD!
I enjoyed another walk into Wellswood this morning to post my latest Etsy sale, this pretty Literary Greeting Card which features text from A Christmas Carol embellished with a hand crocheted lilac star. The card is now on its way to Guildford. On Friday I posted two more cards, these ones featuring Wuthering Heights text and going to Slovenia where the winner of last week's Literary Flits Giveaway lives. I haven't got a Giveaway as such running this week as we are preparing to depart on our next European Caravan Adventure. Instead, my current and imminent Wednesday 'giveaway' posts feature books that can be downloaded for free - essentially a giveaway where everyone can win!

Seat cushions for sale until Tuesday evening! 
We depart for Poole in Dorset on Thursday morning and I will be taking almost all my Etsy shop stock with me as it doesn't need much space. I can curl up on my bench seat and crochet the long dark evenings away! This means you will still be able to buy from me throughout the winter, the only difference being that UK customers will need to allow an extra couple of days for post to arrive from France or Spain. I won't be transporting the four dining chair cushions around with us though because they are too big and could get damaged so if you had your eye on any of these, you have only got until tomorrow evening to do so! Then I will deactivate the listings until we return to the UK in April.

Tiny orange and cream crochet stars 
I have been increasing my crocheted motif stocks this week, adding more sparkly red hearts, black and silver stars, and bright blue flowers amongst others. The plan was to have made at least 50 of all the shapes for which I have sufficient cotton before we set out. That might not quite be possible as I need to schedule a fortnight of book review posts too! I made a new motif variant too - tiny orange and cream stars which are just 7/8 inch across. In technical parlance they are 'a bit of a faff' to make, but look gorgeous as cardmaking embellishments. The tiny stars are £2 for 10. There are currently 60 available and I have enough cotton to probably make about 200 altogether. Let me know if you want them!

Wuthering Heights greeting cards going to Slovenia 

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