
Friday 30 June 2023

LOSE IT FOR THE LAST TIME by Amy Newman Shapiro

Book Details:

Book Title:  Lose It For The Last Time 2nd Edition by Amy Newman Shapiro
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 240 pages
GenreWeight Loss, Nutrition, Healthy Living, Self Help, 
Publisher:  Snewman Media
Release date:  November 2022
Content Rating:  G for no inappropriate language, no violence, no sex.
Book Description:

When it comes to losing and keeping off the pounds, Amy Shapiro knows what works, what doesn’t, and why.

​In her completely revised and updated edition of LOSE IT FOR THE LAST TIME she incorporates the latest scientific research that has advanced our understanding of why we gain weight and the best practices for taking it off —for good. In addition, she introduces us to the technology that has changed how we exercise and track physical activity with tips on using it to our best advantage.

This new edition contains the same easy-to-follow plan for permanent and healthy weight loss that Amy has used successfully for many years in her private practice to help people like you win the constant battle against losing weight and gaining it back. She shares her secrets for successfully making small, sensible lifestyle changes, along with strategies for using a non-diet approach to lose weight.

Amy will make your dream of long-term weight loss a reality by:
  • Helping you lose weight in a nonrestrictive way that makes it easier to keep it off
  • Offering surprising, simple substitutes for replacing habits and behaviors that pack on the pounds
  • Showing how it's possible to eat fewer calories without going hungry or depriving yourself of the foods you love
  • Explaining how to dine out and enjoy party and holiday food without gaining weight
  • Demonstrating how to make exercise a part of your life without joining a gym or playing a sport
  • Providing practical, easy-to-live-with suggestions and techniques for staying motivated and focused on long-term success
  • Teaching you how to set realistic, measurable, and doable weekly goals
It’s time to get healthy and lose weight for the last time and stop yo-yo dieting and the health risks that come with it. Here are the answers for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight so you can experience the real health benefits of permanent weight loss.
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Guest Post by Amy Newman Shapiro: Are Your Liquid Calories Pouring On The Pounds?
If you aren’t careful, the added calories from your choice of beverage could cause unsuspecting weight gain.  If the scale has been slowly creeping upward and you don’t know why, take a look at what you are choosing to drink.  We all know by now that sugar packed regular soda (9 teaspoons for every 12 ounces) is no good for your waist (not good for your teeth or bones either).  But have you considered the calories in your coffee?  One 16-ounce light and sweet coffee can add 133 calories to your morning.  If you are a heavy coffee drinker, that’s almost 400 calories a day.  Over the course of one year, you have consumed enough calories to pack on 41 pounds.  If you enjoy a Starbucks mocha frappuccino daily, it takes only one a day.  You would have to walk about 3 ½ miles every day just to burn off those calories.
Fruit juice may also be a problem.  A 4-ounce apple gives you 60 calories compared to a common serving of apple juice with 110 calories.  Without the fiber, the apple juice may be less filling leading you to eat something solid with it.
Sports drinks like Gatorade may be important if you are engaged in 60 minutes or more of sustained physical activity.  But the average Joe needs water to rehydrate, not the electrolytes and carbohydrates found in sports drinks.
Energy drink consumption has also been on the rise bringing in unnecessary extra calories (and in some cases bringing irreversible damage to the teeth).
Alcohol intake may also be tripping you up.  A can of beer gets you 150 calories, a six-pack nets 900 calories.  The shot of vodka or gin gets you 55 calories but you have to add the juices or mixes you are adding to it to calculate the damages.
Portion sizes may also be the culprit.  Sodas used to come in 6 ½-ounce bottles, now a 20-ounce bottle is the norm.
So think before you drink:
Drink water, if you crave the bubbles, choose seltzer
Ditch the fruit juice and eat whole fruit instead
Low-Fat and Fat-Free milk are good choices for getting enough calcium in your diet along with other good-for-you nutrients
Can the sports drinks and energy drinks
Cut the portion sizes if you do choose to splurge on juice or soda
“Drink responsibly” no matter what’s in the glass
Eat today for a healthier tomorrow

Meet the Author:

Amy Newman Shapiro RDN, CDN, RYT200 is a registered dietitian, nutritionist. She holds degrees in both psychology and nutrition and is a certified personal trainer and a certified yoga instructor. As a professional speaker Amy promotes wellness in corporate, clinical, and private settings. She also offers wellness coaching and integrative and functional nutrition in her private practice based in Long Island, New York, where she and her husband reside. This is her fourth book.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Goodreads

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LOSE IT FOR THE LAST TIME by Amy Newman Shapiro Book Tour Giveaway

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