
Tuesday 16 May 2023

Snow Storm by Mike Alger + Author Interview

Book Details:

Book Title SNOW STORM by Mike Alger
Category:  Adult Fiction (18 +) 
Genre:  Mystery / Thriller
Publisher:  Publish America
Release date:   July 2002
Content Rating:  PG - I wavered between G and PG…there’s no explicit language, but there is some mild-violence.

Book Description:

He smiled. “Kidnapping? Naw… you don’t have to worry about that. Oy’m not here to kidnap you. Oy’m here to kill you.”

You ever had one of those days? You know the kind. You wake up one morning, and all of a sudden an internationally feared assassin wants you dead? I hate it when that happens. And what do you do when the forecast for your friendly neighborhood TV weatherman looks like murder?

​KRGX meteorologist Greg O’Brien is having one of those days. He just hopes it’s not his last.

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Author interview with Mike Alger

“I of course know you as an author… Is that your only job?“

No, my “real“ job is chief meteorologist for KTVN-TV in Reno Nevada. I’ve been doing that for over 35 years now.

“Where did you come up with the idea behind Snow Storm?”

It’s funny, it’s actually based on an experience that I had working for a radio station on the side here in Reno. One day the station decided they didn’t want me anymore, but were very mysterious about the reasons behind it, even to the extent of forbidding any of the employees to talk to me. Having an overactive imagination, I built a novel’s worth of ideas into what was really behind giving me the boot, and Snow Storm was born. 

“So the concept was born out of a real life incident…what about the smuggling and Cartels and the like…did any of that really happen?”

(laughs)… No, I think the meat of the story all pretty well came from the depths of my overactive imagination. Although I did find out that a similar technique was used way back in the prohibition age when commercial radio was in its infancy. So maybe it’s more realistic than I thought.

“So you are a television meteorologist, and the main character is also one. I don’t suppose that was an accident?”

(Laughs again)… No, no accident at all. I figured it would be easier to write about what I know… Plus, TV meteorologists are always getting tangled up with Colombian drug cartels… So I thought it would be more believable that way.

“Is there anything else you’d like us to know about Snow Storm?”

Well, if you are expecting Faulkner, you will probably be sorely disappointed. But I think it’s a very fun read, with characters that I hope you will enjoy, and a plot line that keeps moving. Thanks so much for being willing to tell your audience about Snow Storm. I hope whoever picks it up or listens to it will have as much fun as I did.

Meet the Author:

One of the most popular and recognizable faces on television sets in Nevada and California; Mike Alger is the Chief Meteorologist for KTVN-TV Channel 2 (CBS) in Reno, Nevada. The award-winning weatherman is a holder of the American Meteorological Society’s Certified Broadcast Meteorologist Seal of Approval. He is happily married with two children.

connect with the author: website ~ acx ~ facebook ~  twitter

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