
Friday 28 April 2023

Mother Knows Worst by Sofia Bella Roma + Author Interview


Book Details:

​Book Title:  Mother Knows Worst by Sofia Bella Roma
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  280 pages
Genre: Literary Fiction, Novel
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:  December 2022
Content Rating:  PG -13 

Pinnacle Award Winner!
"Author Sofia Bella Roma tells an absorbing story about two people from very different backgrounds falling in love and struggling to navigate the circumstances and people around them. Infusing romance, humor, and plenty of drama, Roma weaves an engaging narrative that keeps hold of the reader until the last page. Mother Knows Worst is not just a dramatic comedy but also a novel that showcases the challenges people sometimes face in adapting to other cultures, especially in relationships involving in-laws. The characters have their own idiosyncrasies, which make them very intriguing to read. Rose and Anil's dynamic feels genuine, as do their respective struggles and conflicts. Recommended to readers who savor drama novels revolving around relationships." - Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

"A lively, thought-provoking journey into one young woman's marriage, cross-cultural encounters, and life. Mother Knows Worst is recommended not just for novel readers seeking stories of women's experiences, but for reading groups interested in the psychological entanglements between different cultures and generations." - Reviewed by Midwest Book Reviews

Book Description:

After trying her hand at acting, Rose decides to change career paths and enter law school.

She enrolls in law school in a sleepy New England town, only to find that the practice of law is not all she will study. This quirky thirty-something Italian girl falls in love when she lays eyes on Anil, a handsome intellectual from India. The two discover a deep connection and quickly begin a romantic relationship. What could go wrong as their romance blossoms? Their future looks bright. They have each other. They have great friends. They also have Anil’s mother. Inspired by true events, Mother Knows Worst is a humorous and heartfelt novel. Rose is on a path to finding herself, love, and relationships, taking the reader on a delightful and often comedic journey as she explores two cultural worlds colliding.
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Author Interview with Sofia Bella Roma
Do you have another profession besides writing?
Yes, I am a family law attorney. Haha… maybe I should write about being a family law attorney.
What made you write a book about two cultures colliding?
I wanted to take the reader through a relatable journey about love, hurt, deception and disappointment. It became apparent to me that a marriage is affected by more than just a husband-and-wife team. A marriage can be impacted by work, children, family, and friends.  
What was your biggest fear when writing your book?
     I was afraid of offending or hurting the real-life people who are part of the story. I was concerned about the reception of the book by the public and how it would be received by those familiar with the true story.  
Which was the hardest character to write?
      Anil was the hardest character to write. I wanted to show how he was torn and had his own struggles within the marriage.
If you could change one thing about writing this novel, what would it be?
The way some of the real-life people found out about the story. I could have done a better job by letting them know before the book was released. I really regret that mistake.

Meet the Author:

Sofia Bella Roma is a lawyer in North Carolina. She has been practicing law since 2009. She was first licensed to practice law in Massachusetts and then went on to become licensed attorney in North Carolina. Sofia has spent most of her career telling stories. She regularly performs to judges when litigating her cases. Mother Knows Worst is Sofia’s debut novel. This book tackles common problems in relationships and takes on mother-in-law drama with a quirky point of view. Sofia knows firsthand about difficult relationships since she has been practicing law as a divorce attorney. She currently lives with her son and their pet lizard. She has a love for the arts and enjoys making people laugh.

Enter the Giveaway:

Win signed copy of MOTHER KNOWS WORST by Sofia Bella Roma (one winner) (USA only) (ends May 19)


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