
Thursday 23 March 2023

Traveling Tootsie by Karen and Kathy Honaker + Author Interview

Book Details:

Book Title Traveling Tootsie by Karen and Kathy Honaker
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children's Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   Nov, 2022
Content Rating:  G. Suitable for everyone.

**** 2023 Family Choice Award ****
Book Description:

Have you ever wished you could go away on your parent’s business trip or hide in their suitcase to explore a new city all on your own? Well, Katie and Steven sure have! They wonder why they always have to stay home when Mommy or Daddy travel for work. Once their favorite yellow teddy, Tootsie, comes up with the idea to stow himself away for Daddy’s trip to Washington, DC, Katie and Steven realize that they’ll be able to travel along, too—but just not in the way they first imagine!

Author Interview

How did you research for your book?
We live in Virginia so most of our research was done by getting in the car and driving around Washington DC! During the height of the pandemic, our families downloaded an app that was a narrated drive all around Washington DC. With no traffic, which is unheard of in this area, we were able to get through the entire tour in two trips to the city. It was very educational and a wonderful opportunity to take lots of pictures without tourists. 

Your book is set in Washington DC. Have you been there?
We live in the Washington DC suburbs, but we rarely go into the city! It’s always been a place to bring visiting friends and family so writing this book has allowed us to really enjoy DC. We’ve gone downtown to take pictures, walk around, and explore all the wonderful sites of this historic city to do research for our book. We had trouble narrowing down which ones to include since there are so many wonderful things to see here. 

What’s your next project?
We’ve been very lucky to travel to several amazing places in the United States and other countries. We’d love to do more research and have Tootsie go somewhere exciting next and travel in someone else’s shoe!

In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper? 
Yes! We started writing our ideas down for Traveling Tootsie on paper many years ago. We did use our laptops while writing, but we would often print out our drafts so we could write notes and work on the book together. We often think about ideas for sequels, which we keep written down in a notebook, and we have even been known to write ideas down on a paper towel! 

How long have you been writing?
Ten years ago, we took a class about the process of writing and publishing children’s books. We then joined a writing group and continued to work towards our goal of publishing “Traveling Tootsie”. We ended up putting our ideas on hold for many years. Three years ago, we got started again and finally got to hold our printed book in our hands.

Meet the Author:

Kathy and Karen grew up in the Chicago suburbs and moved to Virginia as teenagers. They enjoyed many family vacations, which began their love of travel. They both reside in Virginia with their families and continue to instill a love of travel with their own children. This is their first children’s book written together, about a favorite childhood memory that they always wanted to share with others to enjoy. They hope to inspire a sense of adventure in you!

connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~  instagram  goodreads

Enter the Giveaway:
Win a signed copy of TRAVELING TOOTSIE by Karen and Kathy Honaker (USA only) (ends Apr 7)

Traveling Tootsie by Karen and Kathy Honaker Book Tour Giveaway

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