
Sunday 20 January 2019

Discovering proper Sherry in Jerez de la Frontera

I'm linking up with The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Our two-night stay in Jerez de la Frontera got off to a great start when, upon arriving at our motorhome aire, La Morada Del Sur, we were each given a complimentary glass of locally made sherry. I remembered sherry as a dubiously tasting liqueur that Nana might sip out of a tiny glass at Christmas. The dust-covered English bottles are a totally different beverage to the real Spanish version. Spanish cream sherry is delicious and dangerously moreish! We just had to buy ourselves a whole bottle!

Jerez de la Frontera is a lovely historic town. It's a little bit touristy, but not too much so and we enjoyed spending a day wandering around and pointing at things. The highlight was undoubtedly the beautiful Alcazar which was bought in the 1920s by one of the rich sherry families and has been restored for the town. Originally a Moor fortress and palace, it contains a bath house and a small mosque, both with wonderfully elegant architecture. The three-roomed palace overlooks a fountained courtyard, and the current custodians have recreated a typical kitchen garden as well.

There's a small art gallery within the main house displaying a dozen or so large vintage posters for Jerez events and fiestas - one was from the late 1800s. On the top floor is a superb recreated pharmacy which was rescued from a convent in the early 20th century. It has huge dark wood display units with all kinds of bottles and jars as well as lots of the pharmacist's tools and equipment for making lotions and potions. Jerez Alcazar is a fascinating place and excellent value at just €1.80 each to get in.

In bookish news, I'm currently reading a memoir written by a Vietnamese woman who is not going to survive colon cancer: The Unwinding Of The Miracle by Julie Yip-Williams. It sounds like it should be depressing, but is unexpectedly uplifting. I hope to blog my review on Literary Flits on Wednesday.

Giveaways closing soon
I've got four new Literary Flits giveaways for you this week starting with romantic suspense novel Winter's Heist by Emily Duvall today. There's several closing this week too:

24th Jan: Win paperback copies of of Flygirl by R D Kardon plus a notebook and a mug
24th Jan: Win a signed copy of all three books in the Women of Purgatory series (Raven's Breaths, Dark Abigail, and Holli's Hellfire) to celebrate the release of Holli's Hellfire by Tish Thawer
26th Jan: Win an ebook copy of Witch's Moonstone Locket by Marsha A Moore
27th Jan: (post on 24th) Win a Moleskine Journal to celebrate the A Heart In The Right Place by Heide Goody and Iain Grant blog tour
(All current giveaways here)

On my blogs this week were:

Stephanie Jane
#Veganuary Food Diary - Week Two
Books From The Backlog - The Judgement Of Richard Richter by Igor Stiks

Literary Flits
Flygirl by R D Kardon Spotlight + #Giveaway + Excerpt
Spiral Of Silence by Elvira Sanchez-Blake review
Holli's Hellfire by Tish Thawer Spotlight + #Giveaway
Spiral Into Darkness by Joseph Lewis Spotlight
UK2 by Terry Tyler review
All Things by Amber Belldene review (Veganuary read)
Winter's Heist by Emily Duvall Spotlight + #Giveaway + Q And A

Airing Out
Aire - La Morada Del Sur Parking - Jerez De La Frontera - Spain


  1. I think you were restrained: I might have been tempted to go for more than one bottle. Enjoy!

    1. If it hadn't been €7 a bottle we probably would have stocked up!

  2. Ooh, that sounds like a lovely stay.

    1. This Jerez turned out to be one of my favourite Spanish towns to visit :-)

  3. That really sounds like you're having a good time seeing the sights. Great pictures.

  4. Looks like a nice trip! The book does sound like it would be depressing. Glad to hear you're finding it uplifting, though. :)

    1. The book's vibe is all down to Julie's attitude I think. She does get sad and angry and talks about all her negative emotions, but underlying that is such a strong sense of her belief in the good fortune that she existed at all. It's quite the juxtaposition and makes for a fascinating and moving memoir

  5. I always enjoy your travel stories. I use sherry, a very small amount, in a couple soup recipes so I usually have some but I don't drink it on its own. I tend not to drink because ... calories. Have a great week and find some awesome reads! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. You've reminded me of a French Onion soup recipe I used to make. It calls for a splash of sherry, but I didn't used to have any to hand. Still don't actually because we've drunk it all :-/

  6. Looks like an amazing place! Love the sound of that pharmacy- I bet that was neat to see. :)

    the sherry doesn't sound half bad either!

    1. I wish I'd taken a proper camera to the pharmacy. My phone just couldn't cope with the dark wood and all the details

  7. Beautiful photos. I'm glad you had a nice time there!! I'm glad it wasn't too touristy for you!


  8. Picture are gorgeous! I love walking around places like that, wish I lived close to those places to see them. I don't think I ever had sherry, I might have to give it a try sometime.

    Have a great week, Stephanie! Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks Michelle!
      Get someone else to taste test the sherry first. It's not all as delicious as ours was ;-)

  9. I love hearing about all of your adventures while traveling. The photos you shared are amazing as well. The Unwinding Of The Miracle sounds like a great book and I am looking forward to your review. Have a great week!

    1. The publisher has put the date back! So now my review will be on LitFlits mid-Feb

  10. How wonderful that you liked this Sherry! And I must say this old town is extremely beautiful. Thanks for taking us with you :)
    xx Rena

    1. Jerez was lovely! I'm envious of your Croatia pics too :-)

  11. I hope I can visit some day, too...

  12. As always, beautiful photos!
