
Sunday 2 December 2018

Camping with the Portuguese Police!

I'm linking up with The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.

That headline caught your eye, didn't it?!
This week we pitched up at Parque de Campismo da PSP which is a largish campsite at Tavira on the Portuguese Algarve. It feels rural with olive and carob trees for shade and terraces that are only vaguely marked into pitches. The campsite is actually owned by the Portuguese police and is only open to police families in the summer, but at this time of year anyone can camp here. The facilities are pretty good and we've enjoyed playing on the outdoor gym each evening! It's not a cheap option (€16.70 per night), but is beautifully peaceful and very handy for walking and cycling into Tavira.

Tavira is a lovely old town - a jewel of the Algarve! We visited here five years ago and it's still great. We cycled out to our previous camping spot - Cabanas - a pretty seasidey village to reminisce.

View from Cabanas 
What I've been particularly looking forward to showing you though is Street Poetry! Instead of the more usual street art, Tavira has placards up at various places displaying the poems of famous Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Each poem is printed in Portuguese, Spanish and English so I could guess at the original meaning and then read the English translation to see how close I got! Dave and I are talking about buying a book of Pessoa's poetry which is great because I need a fifth Portuguese author for WorldReads! These are two of my favourites from Tavira: (Click in to the photos to enlarge them)

In bookish news I am currently reading The Light Of The Fireflies by Paul Pen. Is saw this one reviewed on Daniela's Bookiverse blog a while back which reminded me Dave had a borrowable copy on his Amazon account. It's a gripping, but seriously strange story so far.

Giveaways closing soon
5th Dec : Kindle HD Fire and The Lights Of Time book
(All current giveaways here)

On my blogs this week were:

Stephanie Jane
State Of The ARC - November 2018
A Month In Books - November 2018

Literary Flits
The Diary by Vikki Patis review
The Blogger Trailmap by Chivi Frost review + #Giveaway
Death Going Down by Maria Angelica Bosco review
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger review
The Wooden Hill by Jamie Guiney review
The Lights of Time by Paul Ian Cross + #Giveaway + Excerpt
Christmas At Black Cherry Retreat by Angela Britnell review

Airing Out
Campsite - Parque de Campismo da PSP - Tavira - Algarve - Portugal

I will finish with this YouTube that Dave found during the week. Love it!


  1. Lovely photos! The Light of the Fireflies looks tempting. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks Laurel-Rain!
      The Light Of The Fireflies was gripping

  2. It's lovely to see all the pictures from your travels. I hope you enjoy your books. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Beautiful travels in person and in books at the moment :-)

  3. Looks like a lovely place, I like the whitewashed look of Tavira in that pic. And the view at Cabanas there looks awesome too. Hope you enjoy your stay there. :)

    Love that video!

  4. I do enjoy seeing all your travels, lovely photos. I haven't heard of The Light of the Fireflies. I will be looking for your review, "seriously strange" has me a bit curious. Have a wonderful day and safe travels.

    1. The Light Of The Fireflies is dark!! A thriller, but practically horror at times

  5. That place sounds really lovely and the picture of the sea made me really crave a vacation to the seaside (it's frozen season in my city). The Light of the Fireflies has a great cover!

    1. It's grey rainy season in the UK right now - which is why we've fled south to Portugal!
