
Sunday 18 November 2018

Red kites, Azure-winged magpies and our first Hoopoe of the season

on the walk into Caceres 
I'm linking up with The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Of course, none of those amazing birds in this post's title would sit still for me to get their photographs so you'll have to take my word for us having seen them! There were dozens of kites soaring majestically as we drove across the Spanish plateau this week, and we had a chattering little flock of the Azure-winged magpies at Camping Caceres where we stayed for four nights. We last visited this campsite almost exactly five years ago and it's still great, both as a campsite and as a stopping point from which to visit the historic city. They've improved the free wifi too! The weird street-art bug pictured above was spotted on our hike up over the hills into Caceres. There were gorgeous views too - and a cheap and convenient bus back! The transport was especially appreciated because we indulged in our first Menu Del Dia, a three course lunch accompanied by wine/beer and a complimentary 'Bellota'. Bellota (pronounced bay-otta) was a new discovery. It's a rather moreish liqueur made from Cork Oak acorns. Gotta try these local specialties! Meson San Juan is a very Spanish little restaurant with a wonderful atmosphere. Well worth a visit

Excellent Menu del Dia lunch! 

It's been a strange week of highs and lows. We saw the incredible Segovia aqueduct for the first time. It's nearly two thousand years old and is a breathtakingly beautiful achievement. From the free aire where we parked up, we could walk alongside the aqueduct into central Segovia. It started at maybe a metre tall and is over 28 metres high by the end!

Segovia aqueduct 

Dave earned my applause for actually reading through the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement when it was made available this week. Of course it's not written in remotely accessible language so we still don't know if we will be able to continue travelling willy-nilly as we have loved doing these past five years, or if our freedom will be abruptly curtailed on March 29th. We're hearing of many other lives effectively being put on hold out here too because STILL no one knows what will happen. Retired Brit ex-pats who rely on their EHIC cards to get healthcare in France and Spain may have to return to the UK, just as the NHS is haemorrhaging EU nurses and support staff so won't be able to provide care. Spanish news yesterday was talking about all the people who live on Gibraltar and work in Spain and vice-versa. Will they be eligible (or even able) to cross a hard border every day? Meanwhile, watching the stupid Tories back home bickering and backstabbing each other instead of making a fucking decision is so frustrating! Aargh!!

El Burgo de Osma porticoed street 

In 'Amazing News' on the other hand, I have almost caught up with replying to and returning all my blog comments! And this is a much more enjoyable pastime than politics :-) Yay me and yay you all for stopping by. I love seeing you all here and on my other blogs :-)

In bookish news and (if I remember tomorrow!) linking up with What Are You Reading at The Book Date, I am currently reading Becoming Someone by Anne Goodwin. I'm excited to be part of the blog tour for Anne's new book and am loving this short story collection.

Giveaways closing soon
None closing this week
See all giveaways and free books in my Giveaway Linkup

On my blogs this week were:

Stephanie Jane
Stephanie Jane's #FreeBook and #Giveaway Linkup

Literary Flits
Hearts Among Ourselves by A Happy Umwagarwa review
The Shapes Of Dogs' Eyes by Harry Gallon review
The Janitor and the Spy by S W Ellenwood spotlight + Q and A
Angel In The Shadows by Walter Lucius review
Driving Whiskey Wild by Melissa Foster spotlight
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George review
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters review

Artisan Rainbow
Christmas Skirt by Interrobangirl
Felt Gingerbread Man by Silvernight Studios
Reindeer Antlers Wire Headband by Scarlet Tiaras
Divers Print by Dreamy Meisme
Thistle Door Wreath by HL Freelance Florist
Rose And Violet Chocolate Truffles by Truffle Witch
Unicorn Dream Catcher by Cala Lily Treasures

Airing Out
Aire - El Burgo De Osma - Castile y Leon - Spain
Aire - Segovia - Castile y Leon - Spain
Campsite - Camping Caceres - Extremadura - Spain
Aire - Jerez de los Caballeros - Extremadura - Spain

Church tower in Jerez de los Caballeros 

Segovia street sculpture 

Thistle Door Wreath by HL Freelance Florist

Unicorn Dream Catcher by Cala Lily Treasures 


  1. We get a lot of Red Kites in Scotland and they are beautiful.

    As for Brexit I'm getting a bit annoyed at the Tory rebels who are ignoring the fact that there will be no other deal on offer regardless of who is in charge and trying to drag us into an unknown no deal. The backstop that they go on about is never intended to be used, kind of like a nuclear button. I voted for Brexit and don't like the backstop but it's only there as last chance saloon and I have every expectation that the details will be sorted in time to give me what I voted for. But we're going to get none of it if the politicians don't get realistic about the deal and stop playing politics for their own personal ambitions!

    1. Exactly!! It's like they consider this all to be be some kind of a game and one which, for those politicians at least, there won't be any real consequences. Selfish idiots!!

  2. Sounds like you're having a great time.

  3. The Segovia aqueduct looks amazing, and I love the sound of that lunch place too- the Menu Del Dia sounds pretty awesome. :)

    I'm sorry to hear about the Brexit uncertainties- that would be SO frustrating. It's hard when you don't know what to expect. I feel for all the people in limbo waiting to find out.

    1. Segovia was gorgeous, we're so lucky to have been able to visit. And the Menu del Dia is an excellent invention. I always prefer to eat out at lunchtime rather than in the evenings

  4. Beautiful places (I've never visited Segovia yet, but is on my list), and I fully understand the concern about Brexit. I returned to Spain mostly for personal reasons, but I wasn't too confident about how things would go if I remained there, either. Let's hope everything works out as well as possible.

    1. This was my first time to Segovia. We wanted to see Avila as well, but missed out. Fingers crossed for another time

  5. The Brexit issues being so up in the air has to be frustrating (and scary).

    I've yet to read anything by Melissa Foster even though I own one or two by her.

    That thistle wreath is gorgeous!!

  6. Your photos are gorgeous! I think it is fantastic that you are able to spend time seeing all of the amazing things that are in our world. It must be frustrating to deal with so much uncertainty right now. Have a great week!

    1. I am so lucky to be able to travel around as we do. Fingers crossed we're able to continue to do so
