
Sunday 23 September 2018

My Week In Review To The 23rd September

I am linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly at The Caffeinated Reviewer.

I'm also linking up with What Are You Reading at The Book Date: Right now I am reading The Groundsmen by Lynn Buckle which I will be reviewing for Epoque Press on Literary Flits on the 27th September. It's a multi-POV Irish novel and quite a challenging read.

This has again been a pretty manic week - I'm not used to being so busy! Dave's daughter Gemma and her partner Simon came to visit us at Chef Boutonne for a few days so we got the chance to be tourists and go sightseeing again. The beautiful chateau and flowers are in Verteuil which is a gorgeous town - and I loved that clear blue sky. The chateau can be toured with a guide, but only at weekends at this time of year and we were there on a Wednesday. We made do with exploring a brocante shop instead! Then on Thursday we drove to the Marais Poitevin, an extensive marsh area crisscrossed with little waterways and canals. Dave put his canoeing experience to good use on an hour's boat trip while I spent quality reading time on a shady bench!

We waved goodbye to Gemma and Simon on Friday morning then hitched up our Bailey caravan for a final tow to the UK. Today's ferry sailing across La Manche was fortunately much calmer than recent disastrous weather had led me to fear. And now we're pitched up at a nice Camping And Caravanning Club campsite, Higher Longford just outside Tavistock. We're both excited to be reunited with our new-to-us Hymer motorhome tomorrow and our friend Marta is also looking forward to taking over ownership of Bailey. All change again!

Giveaways closing soon:
Congratulations to Adrian B who won the Curtain Call by C H Clepitt giveaway that closed on Literary Flits last week!
If you like winning stuff, these Giveaways end this coming week ...

24/9: Waiting For Monsieur Bellivier by Britta Rostlund PB
24/9: $25 Amazon gift card
29/9: $25 Amazon gift card and Chuck Waldron books
29/9: Sitting At The Kitchen Table With God by Sandi Smith ebook

Posts on my blogs this week were:
My Week in Review to the 16th September

The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel review + #Giveaway
Princess Bari by Hwang Sok-Yong review
The Labyrinth Of The Spirits by Carlos Ruiz Zafon review
Sitting At The Kitchen Table With God by Sandi Smith + #Giveaway
Gentlemen Of The Road by Michael Chabon review
The Locked Room by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo review
The Barefoot Road by Vivienne Vermes review

Around the blogosphere:
Daniela at Bookiverse has Must Reads for Hispanic Heritage Month
Carole at Carole's Random Life In Books reviews all three Murderbot Diaries
Greg at Greg's Book Haven reviews Record Of A Spaceborn Few

Have a great week :-)


  1. I see you enjoyed really being tourists! Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. Ahaa - I've often wondered how you squeeze all your reading in!

  3. You always have the best adventures. I want to be where you are. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. It does sound like a busy week but a whole lot of fun. It would be great to play tourist for just a bit and I am sure it was nice to visit as well.

  5. Glad you had a good visit! That chateau looks like a wonderful place to visit. And a lovely town too! Sounds like you're all situated in your new spot. Enjoy your week! And thanks for including my blog post!

  6. That is a strange but interesting looking tree! I like to take photographs when I'm out and about but I haven't ventured far this year.
