
Sunday 8 July 2018

My Week in Review to the 8th July

I am linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly at The Caffeinated Reviewer.
And in bookish news, I am linking up again with Book Photo Sundays over at Ronyell's Rabbit Ears Book Blog.

Phone box book exchange! 

This fabulous book exchange is at the lovely South Lytchett Manor Campsite, just outside Poole in Dorset and ideally located for catching the ferries to France. I can't remember which books I swapped here now but there was a pretty good selection. I first blogged this photo in the post A good campsite near Poole in Dorset in November 2016.

Super exciting news this week! We've put our Torquay flat up for sale so if you know anyone who would love to live in (part of) a converted Victorian villa in the Devon sunshine, please direct them to The RightMove listing! I've got a few pieces of furniture up for sale too if you fancy a gander at My Gumtree listings!

On a totally unrelated topic, it's great to actually be able to get mail again. If only for a short while (hoping the flat sells quickly!). This week I received two custom-sewn bras which, I think, are the most comfortable I've ever worn.  They are actually a belated birthday present because I got an Etsy voucher back in May. After much deliberating on my part as to what I wanted to spend it on - so many pretty things! - Sarah at KookyClothing got my order. I emailed my measurements, Sarah emailed photos of various fabric combinations, I chose, she sewed and the beautifully wrapped parcel arrived yesterday. Mine are pink/pink stripe, like the photo below, and a grey/blue. I love that the bras are reversible to show off all the colours and that they are far easier to get into than sports bras. The bras are also described as Yoga Tops and they're certainly supportive enough for a Yoga class - and to dash for a bus too. Having suffered from uncomfortable bras for Far Too Long, I'm delighted with these KookyClothing ones and am more than happy to recommend them. Sarah ships worldwide!

I'm proud to have caught up with all the Comments on Stephanie Jane and Literary Flits - Yay Me! (That was Thursday evening mind, and now it's Sunday morning) Huge thanks to everybody who takes a moment to tap out their thoughts! I am loving visiting back to discover new-to-me books and also a smattering of new-to-me blogs. Do feel welcome to include your blog links in your Comments, especially if your Blogger profile doesn't link back to them. There's a couple of folks I haven't been able to find.

On my blogs this week:
My Week in Review to the 1st July
#PlasticFreeJuly 2017-18: The Habits that Stuck
Artisan Rainbow - Notebooks
WorldReads - Five Books from Belgium
50/50 Friday - Best/Worst Book in June

Heroes And Villains by Angela Carter
Venetia by Georgette Heyer
A Study In Shifters by Majanka Verstraete + #Giveaway
On the Fault by Ronald J. Wichers + #Giveaway + Guest Post
Disbanded Kingdom by Polis Loizou
A Long Blue Monday by Erhard Von Buren
The Art Of Travel by Alain De Botton

Around the blogosphere:
vvb32 reads posted her WorldReads from India
Lindsey at Treading My Own Path has a Guide to Reusable Produce Bags for #PlasticFreeJuly
Camillea discusses Medusa for I Heart Characters
Mary Anne Yarde is looking at Victorian superstitions

And finally a brilliantly terrible joke which I spotted via Michelle Hillyard's Facebook page:

Have a great week :-)

Artisan Rainbow - Notebooks 


  1. Love that phone box book exchange! How awesome. :)

    I'm interested in your upcoming post about books from Belgium. Hope you have a super week!

    1. Thanks Greg! The phone box is such a fab idea!

  2. I hope your flat sells very quickly. I love that book exchange phone much fun! I have never considered a custom made bra but it makes sense. Have a great week!

    1. I don't think I would have considered the bras if I hadn't had the gift voucher, but was surprised that they're actually no more expensive than a decent brand mass-produced one.

  3. Good luck selling the flat quickly. The bra looks fantastic. I just found the elusive Bra-that-Fits about six months ago after two decades of Uncomfortable Bras.

    1. Congrats on your Bra-that-Fits too! I've always previously found shopping for them such a nightmare and ultimately disappointing anyway. Now I just have to hope Sarah at Kooky keeps sewing for the next three decades or so!

  4. Good luck selling your flat. It sounds wonderful. And so do the custom bras. I'm jealous.

  5. Oh man your house is beautiful! I'm in the UK but it's still a bit too far away for me.

    Also, I am running straight for those bras! They look amazing.

  6. Oh nice on the bra. Uncomfortable bras are awful. The book exchange phone booth is awesome.

  7. Awesome phone box book exchange! Your flat sounds lovely, too; wish I was there! LOL.

    Enjoy your week and your reading, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. The book exchange is fab, isn't it! I'm wondering whether to do a blog series on book exchange locations?

  8. lol, I saw that joke floating around on facebook this week and laughed way more than it deserved... It's been that kind of week. Have a good one and good luck with selling your flat! :)

    1. Thanks Nicola! I giggled way too much too :-)

  9. Good luck with selling the flat. It looks like a pretty place to live. Hahah, that joke is everything. I love it. Have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. So you have two blogs?! This is my first time at this one. I was so confused for a moment lol. Is this one just less about books or something?

    Oh that book exchange box is so cute! And what a pretty bra! I love the criss-crossing thing in the back and all the colors. Yay for catching up on comments! I am so behind right now, but that seems to happen a lot lately. I'll get caught up eventually lol.

    1. Yes, two blogs! Literary Flits is purely a-book-a-day, this one is memes and roundups and nattering :-)

  11. Your flat looks so lovely! It makes me long to live abroad (outside of the US!), but let's face it, everything makes me want to live abroad lately! ha Aren't bras the bane of every woman's existence?! Glad you found some that work for you. I never thought of having something custom made. Happy July!

    1. Thank you Karla! I'd love to live abroad from the UK!
