
Sunday 11 December 2016

A day of two walks - Cepie and Pieusse

Cepie walking route map 
We are enjoying great walks in the Aude region of France. Days in the valley tend to start out misty and frosty, but once the sun breaks through in the late morning we have glorious blue skies and perfect walking weather. On Thursday we combined two shorter walks into one great day out by completing a circuit of 6.5km from Cepie in the morning, picnicking in the car, then completing another circuit of 5km from Pieusse in the afternoon. Both routes were well marked with yellow stripes and had sign boards at their departure points. Both of the maps shown on this post are photographs of these sign boards which would be adequate to complete the walks although we did appreciate our flyers from the Tourist Office too.

Pieusse walking route map 
Neither walk went across particularly challenging terrain so we could take time to enjoy the varied environments through which we passed. I loved seeing gorgeous autumn colours everywhere! Oak trees have yellow leaves, strawberry trees have red and orange fruits, and dark green cypress trees stand tall in between. The geology referred to on the Cepie walk sign is an area of sand, strewn with shells and rounded pebbles which used to form an ocean floor, but has now been thrust upwards to form the Pyrennean foothills.

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