
Sunday 6 November 2016

Tim Easton at the Crown And Sceptre, Torquay

We were treated to a second fantastic gig Upstairs at the Crown and Sceptre on Friday. Ohio-born Tim Easton, who now lives in Nashville, is a superb songwriter and guitarist, plus he can actually play his harmonicas tunefully! There weren't quite as many of us crammed in to see him as there had been for Kelley McRae a couple of weeks ago which was a shame on two counts. Firstly because Easton absolutely deserves full house audiences wherever he plays and secondly because having a little room to move seemed to encourage people to keep walking in and out to get more drinks, banging the door each time. Grrr! Fortunately our performer was a consumate professional and wasn't phased at all. He was even kind enough to say on his Facebook page that this gig had been his best performance of the tour so far!

Dave and I both loved Easton's style of Americana blues music so much that we splashed out his new album, American Fork, at the gig and today Dave has also bought a live album, Live At Water Canyon. The band sound on American Fork is great and adds new dimensions to the songs, but I think I like the pared-back one-man acoustic sound of the live album even more because this is pretty much exactly as we heard him.

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