
Thursday 27 October 2016

#ThrowbackThursday - where we were on this day in Octobers past

I can go back through four years of blog posts for October's ThrowbackThursday because I know that about this date in 2012 we went to see a French film, Les femmes du 6e etage, at Hailsham Pavilion. I don't actually remember much about the film other than it was a light comedy. I haven't found a similar art house cinema in Torquay yet, our nearest being at Dartington which is a bit of a hassle to get too. There is a monthly film club at St Matthias church though. It's only about a ten minute walk away. I had to miss last month's screening due to illness, but am hoping to make it to The Butler on the 3rd November.

At the end of October 2013 we were just about to set out on our First Big Caravan Adventure! We had a ferry booked to Bilbao to arrive on the 30th and were excited and a little nervous too. It looks like I was using up whatever we had left in the kitchen for meals because I blogged a Jambalaya recipe which is a great one for utilising oddments and leftovers! It was the last time we were going to see our lovely Whittard's dining plates for six months too. They're still going strong now.

On the 27th of October 2014 we were in Valencia, Spain, and our Second Big Caravan Adventure was well and truly underway! This journey would end up being nearly two wonderful years of caravan living. I blogged two posts about being in Valencia and I still love this gargoyle statue which overlooked on of the bridges. Highlights including discovering the incredible City Of Arts And Sciences and watching a film in the iMAX cinema there. We tasted our very first Horchata from a street seller outside and marvelled at the stunningly bonkers architecture.

By this time in October 2015 we were in Lyon, France, and I loved their street art. There are a few examples shown in this post from there. We also admired this dramatic fountain sculpted by Bartholdi - of Statue Of Liberty fame - in the 1880s and originally intended for Bordeaux. Lyon is a perfect city for just wandering around. Its centre is compact enough to be manageable on foot and there are fascinating details around every corner. Dismal concrete is everywhere, but then we saw a Roman amphitheatre and the Lyon Opera House too. I especially liked the old silk weaving district.

This year we are, of course, in Torquay, but with only about three weeks left now until we are on the road again. Having been reminiscing here, I can hardly wait!

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