
Sunday 9 October 2016

I'm celebrating two Etsy sales this week!

Book sleeves - SOLD!
I love creating items for my Etsy shop and it's even more fun when other people love my stuff too - especially when they buy! This is why I am absolutely delighted to have sold three items this week. It's so encouraging and a great confidence boost.

My first sale was for two hand woven book sleeves which are now travelling all the way to South Carolina, USA. Then, yesterday evening, I got another magic 'Etsy Order Confirmation' email and a crocheted raindrop beanie hat will soon be on its way to Sutton!

Beanie hat - SOLD! 
I am also awaiting a yarn shipment for a custom order from a customer who last month bought 10 little crocheted flowers and would like me to make up another eighty-five for her! How wonderful is that?

I am sure you are all now thinking how you can join in this exciting trend? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway! It's as simple as clicking through This Link Here to my shop, adding items you love to your virtual basket and completing the checkout process. Shipping is just £1.50 per order within the UK (£2.25 within Europe, £3 to the Rest of the World)(except cushions) regardless of how many items you buy.

And to tempt you further, here's a few of my favourite items for sale right now ...

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