
Monday 1 February 2016

After a record nine weeks, we are moving on again

We feel so fortunate to have discovered the tranquil
Blue flower bracelet 
Camping Casteillets campsite in the Pyrenees-Orientales. It was pretty much perfect for us which is why we stayed there for an incredible nine weeks. Their stay-two-weeks-get-the-third-free discount did have a slight influence, but we can't remember having stayed anywhere longer than six weeks before. It's even more surprising to us as, before we left the UK, we weren't optimistic about being able to stay France past Christmas let alone until the end of January! We thought it would be far colder and rainier. Now, we definitely want to return here again for part of future winters. I just hope that blogging my enthusiasm for the place doesn't mean we find it is already full up when we return!

So where are we going next? To Spain, of course!

By the time this post publishes itself, we should be on our way to a campsite at Cambrils where we will have a few more days with our friends Chris and Marta before we set out en train con tren to Tarragona to meet up with Dave's daughters. (And, yes, we have to completely change our language mindsets by then otherwise ticket buying could be 'fun'.)

Changing subject for a paragraph or two, I apologise for the dearth of book reviews over the past couple of weeks. Having good company doesn't leave extensive reading time plus I got myself seriously bogged down with Princess Casamassima. Beware verbose Victorians!

Need To Be Seen Beanie Hat 
My resurgent interest in crocheting also got in the way, for which you can blame Marta's hat! Still no photo of that triumph (obviously, as we haven't yet met up again), however I have created an eye-catching (eye-watering?) version in bright orange which is now for sale. I'm calling it the Need To Be Seen Beanie! (For those of you who know me in real life - don't I look just like my Mum in this photo?!) Further details of the hat are on my For Sale page along with the beautiful blue cotton flower bracelet pictured at the top of this post. I am rather proud of the bracelet.

I'll leave you with a couple more photographs of Ceret which, for one reason and another, didn't make it into any previous blog posts. Both are bridges, this first being the medieval Devil's Bridge that crosses Le Tech river and the second being a Gue (ford) that no longer crosses Le Tech river meaning that our walk that day became an out-and-back instead of the circuit we had planned.

¡Hasta pronto!

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